Sunday, May 29, 2011

Save the children save the future

photo credit-Google
Children are more than angel, trusting, full of potentials and full of heavenly love. And the power of children is always extraordinary to bring serenity if that get proper care and opportunity.
Every child is extraordinary and have right to live extraordinary life with all rights to grow up properly. The childhood of all children should be safe and happy and they should be grown up in a healthy environment so that their physical and mental development should not be hampered. You know, today's children are tomorrow's responsible citizens. Healthy growth of their thoughts and other aspects of life are important for sake of our healthy future.

The mind of kids is like bed of seeds; as they start growing up their thoughts start to transform into a concrete shape; that will lead their life in future when they will become young, if you nurture and sow high yield seeds then it give you to reap good crops, if you do inverse then result also like that.

Formation of strong, positive, right & mature thought in mind of youth should be started from their childhood. Only than this thought can make them righteous citizen for this country; who works for the betterment of the country that will create a prosperous future for all of us.  
But reality around us says differently and we seldom paying heed to this. Child abuse, child laborers, child malnutrition, child illiteracy are some common problems and common words too. Every day children are facing abusive behavior in homes, schools and in workplaces. Moreover here in Bangladesh children who are working as housemaids, have a very luxurious fate of being abused. The degree of exploitation to child labor; physically, mentally and economically are beyond calculation. Many of them are extreme victim of bullying and violence. In workplace children are made bound to do heavier job than their capacity; and most perilous news is that; day by day this unscrupulous treatment is increasing geometrically.

We have huge children without shelter and living in street and this number of street children is also increasing day by day. They are growing up without education, nutrition, proper health care, starvation and in insufficient living condition.

And the truth is that this most deprived population is our next generation, our future, our future leader. If this is the condition of our future; than think what is waiting for us; a broken generation with insufficient opportunity and productivity bound to build a broken nation.
As far I know, Bangladesh is the one of the signatory countries of UN child Rights Convention of 1998 but what is happening now is simply cruelty to our future.

Our future mustn’t live in such hazardous life. They must not live in abuse, in exploitation, in hunger, in malnutrition, and in illiteracy. They have right to live healthy life, right to get proper education and shelter. They have right to get nutritious food and recreation. They have also right to get proper and timely health care.
But it seems that we are highly indifferent about this crucial issue. But time is running out to take action. We certainly know that we must stop this, we must save our future. But problem is that, in our society the habit of taking responsibility in individual level is very low still now. Besides government initiatives on this very issue is highly insignificant.

UNICEF, Save the Children and other organizations who are advocating and working for children rights emphasizing on speaking out about children rights. And to speak out and raise voice is really an effective method to bring changes in society.

Besides, charity begins at home; in individual level we should be careful that we are not abusing any children and giving our children their rights adequately. Practice of listening child also important as children have the right to be heard according to UN child rights convention 1998, article 12. Authority must listen from children about the decisions that affect them. Listening from children grow the capability of communication and leadership in our future generation.

For underprivileged children; we all should feel responsible. We should take initiative to ensure proper education and nutrition for those broken fate children because they are our real future. We talked enough and we have enough workable theories and ideas to begin now what is needed is taking action without looking back and talking more. We know better that, there comes a time when execution is more important than theory.

Our children,our future and saving this future is our responsibility.

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